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False: Video of Greek coastguard shooting at migrant boat in June 2023 After a fishing trawler carrying hundreds of migrants capsized off Greece in June 2023, a video was shared in Pakistani social media posts that falsely claimed it showed survivors of the tragedy being confronted, shot at and sunk by the Greek coastguard. But the video has in fact circulated since at least March 2020 in reports about Greek coast guards attempting to force migrants back towards Turkey. (Source: Agence France-Presse - AFP)

Misinterpreted: Lithium mining operations caused widespread air quality problems for large portions of the USA on June 29, 2023 MisinterpretedDid a large plume of smoky air from Canada, which spread poor air quality conditions to many places in the U.S. in late June 2023, originate from gold and lithium mining operations in Sakami, Quebec, and not from forest fires? No, that's not true: There were many la (Source: Lead Stories)