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All English Fact Checks
Satire: Satirical article claims Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot ‘executed at GITMO’ An article shared online claiming that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has been executed at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) is from a satirical website whose stories are regularly debunked by Reuters Fact Check. Examples can be seen (here) and (here). Posts include a link to an article by Re (Source: Reuters)
False: An video authentically shows a robot doing military drills, including shooting guns and engaging in combat with human soldiers. About this rating On May 3, 2023, a video went viral that appeared to show a robot doing military drills. In the video, the robot seems to shoot guns at targets, cross a few hurdles, engage in combat, and even put the gun down when a human target faces him at gunpoint. The robot (Source: Snopes)