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False: “Both murderers in Texas were not only illegals, but gang members” and were “most likely tied to MS-13.” Authorities identified Mauricio Garcia, 33, and George Alvarez, 34, as perpetrators in two separate mass killings in Texas. Garcia was named in a May 6 mass shooting in Allen and Alvarez was named in a May 7 incident in Brownsville.Both men are U.S. citizens. Garcia had no criminal incarceration history in Texas, where he was born. Police have not said he was affiliated with a gang. Alvarez, meanwhile, has an extensive criminal history, but police did not confirm whether he was affiliated with any criminal group like a gang. (Source: PolitiFact)
False: En China se están fabricando huevos artificiales para el consumo humano. Un video viral en Facebook no enseña huevos artificiales creados en China para el consumo humano.El video que muestra una fábrica creando "huevos artificiales" incluye etiquetas de una compañía de juguetes coreana. (Source: PolitiFact)