Your weekly fact-checks
December 15th - December 22nd, 2022

False: New Zealand intelligence officials published a booklet asking people to report friends or family members who are critical of coronavirus-related policy measures as terrorists."
The booklet does not “ask the public to report anyone for opposing COVID-19 health measures,” a New Zealand Security Intelligence Service spokesperson wrote in an email to the AP. (Source: AP News)
False: Poisonous ingredients in vaccine flowing through blood
A video appearing to show the movement of dark blobs and liquid is circulating in Facebook posts that falsely claim it shows poison from a vaccine injected into the bloodstream. The clip actually shows a project by a Poland-based artist on the manipulation of magnetic liquids.
(Source: AFP Fact-check)
False: Only people vaccinated against COVID-19 are having random heart attacks.
Both unvaccinated and vaccinated people suffer heart attacks, and research has not found any link between COVID-19 vaccines and a higher incidence of heart attacks, experts say. (Source: AP News)
#Climate change
False: Global warming is caused by oxygen absorbing UV radiation, not the greenhouse effect.
Experts described it as “creative fiction” and said the theory crumbles when assessed scientifically. Global warming is the result of rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere increasing the greenhouse effect. (Source: AAP Factcheck)
False: Iceland has declared that all religions are “mental disorders.
The claim originated from a 2020 post on a satire blog. Iceland, which has a state church to which almost two-thirds of its population belongs, has made no such determination. (Source: AP News)
Falsk: 83.000 danskere er døde inden for en måned efter, de har fået en vaccination mod coronavirus. Dermed kan det konkluderes, at coronavaccinerne er dødelige
Men det er altså ud fra den fejlagtige oplysning, Max Schmeling konkluderer i sin analyse, at 83.000 er bemærkelsesværdigt mange dødsfald kort efter vaccination, når det samlede antal døde i de 22 måneder, han har undersøgt, er 106.473. (Source: tjekdet)
Ikke riktig: Barnevernet tar fire–fem barn fra sine foreldre hver eneste dag.
I 2017 ble i snitt fem barn akutt tvangsplassert av barnevernet hver dag. Det vært en nedgang, og i 2021 var tallet under tre. Forskning viser at rundt halvparten av barna som akuttplasseres kommer hjem igjen.(Source: Faktisk)
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The Factiverse team wishes you all a merry Christmas!