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The amount of disinformation continues to grow, and there are concerns that ChatGPT can lead to more (read more). However, many fact-checkers worldwide work hard to stop harmful information from spreading. We built FactiSearch because we wanted to make their efforts visible and accessible.
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Your weekly fact-checks

Missing context: Comparison of Biden remarks on sending tanks to Ukraine are missing context
U.S. President Joe Biden announced last week that the U.S. would be supplying Ukraine with 31 Abrams tanks. The move aligns with the administrations ongoing military support to Ukraine since Russia invaded the country in February 2022.(Source: Reuters)
Subject to dispute.: “It’s not fair the idea that in 2020, 55 of the biggest companies in America, the Fortune 500, made $40 billion in profits and paid zero in federal income taxes? Zero.”
On Feb. 7, President Biden gave the annual State of the Union address. But State of the Union addresses often are very political speeches, an argument for the president’s policies, so context is sometimes missing and the subject is to dispute - read more in detail at The Washington Post.
#Climate change
False: Greta Thunberg said climate change is a hoax
The claim: Greta Thunberg said climate change is a hoax. Instagram post includes an image of climate activist Greta Thunberg speaking into a microphone. There is no record of Thunberg saying climate change is made up.'(Source: UsaToday)
Misleading: Eight cooler years cannot be extrapolated to draw conclusions on long-term global warming
At least several decades’ worth of data is needed to infer trends in global temperatures, climate experts told Reuters, and while short-term fluctuations might lead to several years that are cooler than a peak year preceding them, the longer-term trend is still upward. (Source: Reuters)
Dette kan stemme.: Om du videre skal bruke dette hydrogenet i en brenselscelle taper du ytterligere 50%. Om du kjører det i en turbin for å produsere strøm taper du 70%.
Ola Borten Moe skrev blant annet at ti prosent av all norsk kraftproduksjon kan gå «rett i dass» hvis Statkraft når sin ambisjon for produksjon av grønt hydrogen. Les mer hos Faktisk.
Påstanden er korrekt.: Fremskrittspartiet hadde en egen eldreminister, uten at det ga flere sykehjemsplasser.
Helseminister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) viser til at det ikke ble noen økning i antallet sykehjemsplasser da Frp hadde egen eldre- og folkehelseminister. Tall fra SSB bekrefter det en markant nedgang i sykehjemsplasser i perioden Frp satt i regjering. (Source: Faktisk)
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