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The amount of disinformation continues to grow, and there are concerns that ChatGPT can lead to more (read more). However, many fact-checkers worldwide work hard to stop harmful information from spreading. We built FactiSearch because we wanted to make their efforts visible and accessible.
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Your weekly fact-checks

Propaganda diary: Review of Russian disinformation in European media in January 2023
In January 2023, VoxCheck monitored 85 media outlets from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Germany and found 914 cases of disinformation about Ukraine. We found the most cases of disinformation in Polish (214), Hungarian (180), and Czech (142) media. (Source: Vox Ukraine)
#US Politics
No label: Trump’s Hollow ‘Empty Folders’ Defense
Former President Donald Trump’s latest defense for having classified documents found by FBI agents at his Mar-a-Lago home is that many of them were simply “empty folders” stamped “classified” on the outside that Trump kept as mementos. The FBI says it did find dozens of empty fol (Source:
#Climate change
Missing context: Post implies climate change is 'cyclical,' not caused by humans
Human activity, not temperature cycles, responsible for recent global warming. Farmers turn to cover cropping to help deal with climate change About 22 million acres are planted with cover crops today, and the practice is increasing 8% annually, according to researchers. The graph omits the most recent data on carbon dioxide and temperatures, according to a NOAA scientist. (Source: Usatoday)
False: Earth's inner core is responsible for recent climate change trends
A Jan. 27 Facebook post draws a connection between the interior of the Earth and modern climate change. There is no evidence the rotation of Earth's inner core influences the climate. Research from an array of sources and methods shows human activities that release greenhouse gases are causing climate change. (Source: Usatoday)
#Natural disasters
False: Visulas of the recent Turkey earthquake
In this context, two videos claiming to be the visuals of the Turkey earthquake are being shared on social media. Both videos are old and filmed during different incidents in Japan. (Source: Factly)
True: An aerial picture of burnt train cars in wet mud shows the aftermath of the February 2023 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
In the case of the Ohio train derailment photo that was posted to Reddit, we soon found that this claim was true. The derailment occurred on Feb. 3. The train was carrying around 150 cars, about 50 of which ran off the tracks. Several of the cars were carrying hazardous materials. (Source: Snopes)
Falsk: Pfizer er ikke smidt på porten i Thailand efter prinsesses påståede vaccinekollaps
Vaccineproducenten Pfizer er angiveligt blevet smidt ud af Thailand, efter den thailandske prinsesse Bajrakitiyabha kollapsede umiddelbart efter et stik med vaccinen. (Source: Tjekdet)
Sandt, men…: 80.000 har delt billede, hvor Putins spejlbillede forestiller Hitler. Men er det forbudt i Rusland?
Vladimir Putin har set sig så sur på et billede, at han har forbudt det. Som modsvar opfordres brugere på Facebook til at sprede billedet, og det er der i skrivende stund flere end 80.000, der har gjort. Billedet er da heller ikke særligt flatterende set med russiske briller. (Source: Tjekdet)
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