Your weekly fact-checks
False: The U.S. 'Accidentally' Sent $6 Billion To Ukraine
In the summer of 2023, the Pentagon admitted that it overestimated the value of military gear sent to Ukraine due to an accounting mistake but the money was not misspent or even spent. It is still there as of this writing and will be used as an additional resource to cover future shipments to Ukraine. (Source: Lead Stories)
Correct Attribution: In July 2023, Vladimir Putin said that Poland wants to "regain" western Ukraine.
Although Putin claimed that Poland wanted to "regain western territories of Ukraine," that accusation was unsubstantiated and has never been been confirmed by any actions or declarations of Polish authorities. (Source: Snopes)
Riktig: Rekordstort valgsprik i Oslo
Ikke siden Oslo kommune begynte med bydelsvis statistikk for lokalvalg i 1975, har det vært større avstand i valgdeltagelse mellom bydelene. (Source: Faktisk)
Ikke Dokumenteret: Landmandens gårdopdrættede hakket oksekød indeholder flere næringsstoffer end kødet fra køledisken i supermarkedet
Ifølge forskere får du ikke flere næringsstoffer, hvis du spiser landmandens gårdopdrættede oksekød frem for supermarkedets (Source: Tjekdet)
Falsk: Fra på mandag vil Facebook opkræve 35 kroner om måneden fra sine brugere
Meta, selskabet bag Facebook, har ikke i sinde at opkræve penge for brug af deres platforme. Det er ikke første gang, at lignende advarsler cirkulerer på det sociale medie. (Source: Tjekdet)
Misleading: Climate-related disaster deaths are in decline
Disaster mortality is not a useful metric for quantifying climate change, and climate-related disasters have increased in number, intensity, and economic cost. (Source: Reuters)
False: Zoom terms of service now require you to allow artificial intelligence to train on all your data—including audio, facial recognition and private conversations—with no opt out.
This is not what Zoom’s current terms of service say. They now include a line specifically saying it does not use your audio, video or chat to train its own or third-party AI models. Zoom does have some AI features that users can opt in to using. (Source: Full Fact)
Missing Context: Tap water is the most underrated cause of disease because it contains chlorine, fluoride, pesticides and heavy metals.
In the UK, these substances are present in tap water in very small amounts and are strictly regulated to keep the water safe. (Source: Full Fact)
#WTF?! What The Fact?! of the week
Legend: Swedish King Adolf Frederick died in 1771 as a result of eating too many cinnamon buns.
Aside from anecdotal accounts, a Swedish historian concluded there was no evidence in the royal archives to corroborate tales that the king, who was considered in poor health generally at the time of his death, died as a direct result of consuming too many semlas. (Source: Snopes)
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