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#Israel-Hamas Conflict

False: Netanyahu is now arresting Jews in Israel who are protesting the Palestinian genocide
This video shows a June 5, 2023, clash between police and Orthodox Jews who were protesting mandatory conscription in the Israel Defense Forces. This video predates the Hamas-Israel conflict. (Source: Lead Stories)

False: Half a million Israelis protested against President Benjamin Netanyahu on October 14.
Claims that half a million Israelis demonstrated against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the Hamas attack are false. There was a demonstration in Tel Aviv over the government’s handling of the Hamas hostage situation, but it involved hundreds of protesters, not hundreds of thousands. Footage of a mass demonstration used in the posts is from a separate protest months earlier in 2023. (Source: Australian Associated Press - AAP)

True: An Israeli airstrike hit a church in the Gaza Strip
An Isreali official emphasized that any damage to the church was unintentional, arguing “Hamas intentionally embeds its assets in civilian areas and uses the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields.” (Source: The Dispatch)


Half True: The number one cause of hospital admissions among children is tooth decay.
This is correct for children aged five and over. For children aged one to 17 the top two causes of hospital admission in 2022/23 were viral infection and acute tonsillitis, then tooth decay. (Source: Full Fact)

False: Age UK said that lockdown caused a rise in suicides among elderly people.
Age UK did not say this. A counsel to the Covid Inquiry inaccurately described the charity’s evidence on this point. We can find no evidence of a rise in elderly suicides during the pandemic. (Source: Full Fact)

False: Forty percent of 10- to 11-year-olds [in the UK] are obese.
This is not correct. NHS England data shows around 23% of 10- to 11-year-old children are obese, and a further 14% overweight. Ms Webb’s office has acknowledged the error, and Hansard has been updated. (Source: Full Fact)


Sandt, Men…: Falske edderkoppespind, der af og til pyntes med til halloween, er “den rene dødsfælde for vores fugle”
Der er da også historier fra udlandet om, at fugle og andre vilde dyr er blevet viklet ind i det syntetiske spind. Hverken Dansk Ornitologisk Forening eller Dyrenes Beskyttelse kender dog til eksempler på, at det er sket i Danmark. Alligevel er der god grund til at holde igen med det falske spindelvæv udendørs, siger biolog fra Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (Source: Tjekdet)

Falsk: Et 100 år gammelt bøgetræ fjerner seks ton CO2 fra luften, producerer 4,5 ton ilt om dagen og filtrerer et ton støv og snavs
Ifølge forskere bliver træets ellers fordelagtige evner stærkt overdrevet. Træer er dog utvivlsomt vigtige værktøjer i håndtering af klimaforandringerne, fordi de optager og binder CO2, siger forskerne også. (Source: Tjekdet)

#WTF?! What The Fact?! of the week

Satire: Greta Thunberg is calling for the use of "sustainable" war tanks and weaponry, such as "vegan grenades."
The video in question was a deepfake. In other words, genuine footage of Thunberg was digitally edited with fabricated audio to make it seem like she said these things. (Source: Snopes)


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