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Your weekly fact-checks


Australian Associated Press
False: Manufacturing an electric vehicle (EV) battery produces the same amount of CO2 as running a petrol car for eight years.
The emissions output created by manufacturing one EV battery equates to roughly two years of running a petrol car.

Agence France-Presse
Misleading: Historic bison herds had the same impact on the climate as US cattle today
There is no good data on historical bison populations, but "most estimates put them around 60 million." In contrast, there are about 90 million heads of cattle in the United States. Beyond their population size, part of the reason modern livestock are a significant source of methane has to do with how much more they eat.

Agence France-Presse
False: Amazon is converting delivery fleet to diesel
Amazon is working to decarbonize its delivery fleet with a pledge to have 100,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2030. The company has refuted the allegations, noting it already has more than 10,000 electric-powered vans in the United States and Europe.


True: “We’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Wars, combined.”
About 65,300 soldiers died in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined. About 127,000 Americans died from drug overdoses involving a synthetic opioid other than methadone in 2020 and 2021, federal data shows. These deaths are primarily due to fentanyl.


Falsk: Israelske bulldosere kjørte over fordrevne mennesker og pasienter i Gaza
Videoen er ti år gammel og antakeligvis filmet i forbindelse med Rabaa-massakren i Egypt.

Ikke Dokumenteret: Hele 9.000 flere fuldtidsansatte kunne der hentes i det offentlige, hvis deres sygefravær var på niveau med privatansattes
Ifølge flere forskere er det en usikker konklusion at drage. For Dansk Industri har ikke været grundige nok til at tage højde for, at offentligt ansatte ofte har andre typer jobs end privatansatte. Og langt hen ad vejen kan det forklare, at ansatte i den offentlige sektor er mere syge.

Sant: Barske videoer af juleænder er optaget på dansk frilandsgård
TjekDet har undersøgt optagelserne og kan slå fast, at de er fra en dansk gård, der producerer økologiske frilandsænder.


Mostly True: A woman donated her kidney to save the life of her boss and was later fired during her recovery.
A woman donated her kidney to the National Kidney Registry as part of a "paired kidney exchange" that allowed her boss to be paired with a kidney donor. The exchange occurred in August 2011. The woman was fired in April 2012.

#WTF?! What The Fact of the week

Satire: A restaurant at Disney World will start serving two menu items made with human meat.
Many crazy claims about Disney World or Disney movies originated as satirical articles on Mouse Trap News.

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