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Your weekly fact-checks

Factiverse is now live in the GPT Store!

OpenAI have launched their GPT Store in ChatGPT this week which makes it even easier to find and use Factiverse. Simply search for "Factiverse" or visit https://gpt.factiverse.ai/.

3 Reasons AI can save the internet

As “Hallucinate” was selected word-of-the-year by Dictionary.com, it is quite apparent that the first wave of GPTs came with certain limitations. Even with wide adoption, there are still issues related to copyright, misinformation and bias... Read our new blog post

#Wealth Inequality

Half True: “The racial wealth gap [in the US] is the smallest it’s been in 20 years.”
President Joe Biden referred to 2022 Federal Reserve data that showed a modest decrease in the wealth ratio between white and Black Americans. For every $100 the average white family had in wealth, the average Black family had $15.75, the smallest gap in 20 years. By a different measure — the dollar amount difference in wealth — the gap widened between white and Black Americans to its largest disparity since 1989.


False: A juice of carrots, cucumbers and garlic will "restore perfect vision in seven days.”
Good nutrition can contribute to healthy eyesight in some circumstances, for some people, but experts at the National Eye Institute say its effects are limited and won’t restore perfect vision. Most eye problems stem from vision-impairment caused by genetics, aging or diabetes, one expert said.


False: Tom Hanks converts to Judaism and flees to Israel following the release of the Epstein documents
Hanks was not mentioned in unsealed court documents from a Jeffrey Epstein-related lawsuit.

True: A photograph authentically shows physicist Stephen Hawking attending a conference sponsored by financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in the Caribbean.
Hawking was just one of many scientists and intellectuals invited to these islands for less-sinister reasons — a scientific conference Epstein paid for.


Falsk: Det amerikanske konsulat i Irak blev ramt af iransk missilangreb
Mandag blev både Irak og Syrien nemlig ramt af missilangreb, som den iranske revolutionsgarde har taget ansvaret for. Men opslagene på X misinformerer. Det amerikanske konsulat i Irak er ikke blevet ramt.

#WTF?! What The Fact of the week

False: Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos could give everyone on the planet $1 billion each, thus ending world poverty, while still having money left over.
That's not how math works.

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