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Your weekly fact-checks

Scientific literature is now part of Factiverse's fact-checking pipeline

We have recently added Semantic Scholar as one of our supported databases. You will now see scientific articles as supporting or disputing evidence on AI Editor and our API. Sign up for Factiverse and find sources from multiple search engines and databases ranked by credibility, not SEO.

For more details read our newest blog post from our CTO and Cofounder, Vinay Setty.


Full Fact
False: Measles is not a threat to people living in the developed world.
Measles carries a 10-20% risk of complications, some of them serious, even in rich countries.

True: “Today in America, 1 in 3 women of reproductive age live in a state with an abortion ban.”
About 21.5 million women and girls of reproductive age live in states that ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, Census data shows.That’s about 29% of women ages 15 to 49.


True: Norwegians say "Texas" as slang to mean wild or crazy.
Usually, when the word "texas"— as an adjective, most often without capitalization — appears in Norwegian, the context involves the phrase, "det var helt texas," which translates to, roughly, "it was totally/absolutely/completely bonkers."

Falsk: Spiselige insekter er giftige og kan i værste fald give kræft
Opslaget fremhæver blandt andet stoffet kitin, som findes i exoskeletter hos mange insekter. Men en række forskere afviser påstandene. De ser ikke tegn på, at insekter godkendt af fødevaremyndighederne skulle være hverken giftige eller kræftfremkaldende.


True: As a mating ritual, male spiders sometimes wrap up "random trash" instead of bugs, hoping female spiders won't notice.
Some spider species have been observed wrapping inedible prey or plant material in silk before presenting it to a would-be mate. Calling such material "trash" may be misleading in the sense it's not garbage but more so unusable waste.

Full Fact
False: Oil regenerates faster within Earth than it can be depleted.
While oil, like other fossil fuels, is technically regenerative, this process takes millions of years and oil is being depleted faster than new reserves can naturally be created.

False: “In August 2023, illegal immigration outpaced American births.”
Even the closest measure of accounting for migrants who illegally crossed the U.S. border is significantly lower than births recorded within the United States in August 2023.

#WTF?! What The Fact of the week

Full Fact
False: There was an 18th century nuclear war.
There is no evidence that scientists had discovered how to develop nuclear weapons in the 1700s, or that a nuclear war took place in Antarctica during this period.

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