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Your weekly fact-checks

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Hey {first_name, "there"}, we have news about Factiverse and summarised some fact-checks of the week for you:

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True: International Womens Day began in the US as part of a socialist movement
International Women's Day originated in the early 20th century from U.S. socialist and labor movements, witnessing its first celebration in 1911 across Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland.

True: Women now own approximately 40% of all businesses in the United States
In the US, there are over 14 million women-owned small businesses, accounting for nearly 40% of all businesses in the country. Women-owned businesses pack a powerful economic footprint, generating $2.7 trillion in annual revenue and employing almost 12.2 million people.

False: Women are less suited to work in STEM
Differences in success or participation rates in STEM for women are not due to biological differences in capability but are largely influenced by stereotypes, lack of role models, gender bias, and the educational environment.


BBC News
False: Dozens of photos appear showing black people supporting Donald Trump's election campaign
Black Voters Matter, a group that encourages black people to vote, said these are manipulated or deepfaked images aimed at pushing a "strategic narrative" designed to show Mr Trump as popular in the black community.

Half-True: North Carolina has the longest voting period and the most flexible system for voting in the US
In general elections, North Carolina distributes ballots before any other state. For primary elections, though, the state's voting period doesn't stand out. Election experts added: Offering a variety of voting options doesn't necessarily mean a state makes voting easy.

False: In New York City "local elections, illegal immigrants can vote."
New York City passed 2021 legislation that would have allowed some immigrants to vote in municipal elections. The law never took effect.


False: President Joe Biden is the first president to skip a cognitive test during an annual physical exam
Biden did not take a cognitive test as a part of his annual physical exam on Feb. 28, 2024. However, presidents are not legally required to take such a test. No president has publicly acknowledged taking such a test or made the results public except former President Donald Trump.


True: Starbucks offers its employees healthcare plans that include coverage for gender reassignment surgery
Starbucks has provided its employees with coverage for gender reassignment surgery since 2013, and in 2018, the company expanded its coverage to include procedures once considered cosmetic, such as hair removal and facial feminization, as stated on its website.

False: A Photo shows South Korean doctors on strike in February 2024
False social media posts recently circulated, wrongly claiming an old photo of hospital staff in central China demonstrated South Korean doctors on strike. The image, from January 2015, actually depicted Chinese hospital staff protesting after a doctor's death following a hospital fight.

Full Fact
Mostly false: In the UK, a 10-hour shift as a junior doctor pays £140
Misleading posts on Facebook and X falsely assert that a 10-hour shift as a junior doctor in England pays only £140. In reality, following a pay increase for 2023/24, even first-year junior doctors earn around £15.53 per hour, totaling £155.30 for a 10-hour shift in basic pay alone.


Falsk: Nyt studie fra Statens Serum Institut viser, at coronavacciner er forbundet med alvorlige bivirkninger.
Bivirkningerne er sjældne, og studiet rokker ikke ved, at det har været en fordel at blive vaccineret, siger forskere.

#WTF?! What The Fact of the week

True: A man renovating his home in Turkey found a vast ancient underground city.
In 1963, A man renovating his home in Turkey discovered an ancient underground city. Confirmed by sources like the BBC and Atlas Obscura, this highlighted the historical significance of the Derinkuyu civilisation and its extensive network of subterranean structures.

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