Your weekly fact-checks + a GPT3 treat
2nd of December - December 8th, 2022

#Climate change
False: Animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to climate change
According to scientists, greenhouse gas emissions are the primary cause of climate change, and the burning of fossil fuels is the largest contributor to heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions. The primary factors in agriculture are deforestation and animal agriculture, so the claim that animal agriculture – which is a subset of the above numbers – is the primary factor for overall is false. (Source: USA Today)
False: Climate, weather is being altered by technology such as HAARP, chemtrails
Scientists agree that carbon emissions are to blame for global warming, but social media posts claim humans are engineering severe storms and heatwaves. This is false; experts say existing weather modification technology cannot be used to deliberately manipulate the climate. (Source: AFP)
False: Did Al Jazeera Report That Ukrainian Fans Defaced World Cup Posters With Nazi Signs?
A video shared on Twitter claims Qatari outlet Al Jazeera reported that Ukrainian soccer fans were arrested for defacing World Cup posters with pro-Nazi signs. The video is a mashup of unrelated images making an unsupported claim, and appears to have been produced simply to support Russia’s accusation that Ukrainians are Nazis. (Source: Checkyourfact)
Nei, studien viser ikke at CO2 ikke er noe problem.: Ny studie fra MIT viser at CO2 allikevel ikke er noe problem. Planeten kan regulere sin egen temperatur.
Studien har blitt flittig omtalt og delt på nettet den siste tiden, og tolkes av mange som et «bevis» på at klimakrisen kan avblåses. Prosessen som studien beskriver er altfor langsom til å bidra til å ha relevans for nåtidens globale oppvarming, forklarer klimaforsker Tore Furevik. (Source: Faktisk)
Ikke dokumenteret: Intet tyder på, at Irans berygtede moralpoliti er blevet opløst
Hvis chefanklagerens udtalelse står til troende, og moralpolitiet bliver opløst, er det ifølge eksperterne ikke ensbetydende med, at håndhævelsen af islamiske love og normer er fortid. “Reglerne er der stadigvæk, de forsvinder ikke. Så må det jo blive nogle andre, der håndhæver reglerne, hvis moralpolitiet bliver nedlagt,” siger Claus Valling Pedersen. (Source: Tjekdet)
#Chat GPT
If you are as geeky as us, you've probably heard about OpenAI's release of Chat GPT last week. The Chatbot is persuading, but how can we trust it? Easily copy any output from GPT and find relevant sources in our AI Editor. See our tutorial below and try it yourself at (
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