Your weekly fact-checks
December 9th - December 15th, 2022

False: The war in Ukraine is “all over."
The war in Ukraine isn’t over. Ukraine’s foreign minister said Dec. 13 that Russian forces could be capable of launching a “large offensive” by the end of January. (Source: politifact)
#Climate change
Missing context: Post implies Northern Hemisphere snow cover disprovesglobal warming
The following week, snow cover did not eclipse the record for that week, he said. Several weeks over the past 56 years have had greater snow cover, according to the Rutgers Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent Tracker. Snow cover loss, like Arctic sea ice loss, exacerbates global warming, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. (Source: usatoday)
No Pet Purge: WEF Calls For Slaughter of Millions of Pet Cats and Dogs To Fight Climate Change
The claim appeared in an article published by NewsPunch on December 9, 2022, titled "WEF Wants To Slaughter Millions of Pet Cats and Dogs To Fight Climate Change". The NewsPunch article cites a CNN article titled, "Our pets are part of the climate problem".
False: A graph proves humans are responsible for only around 3.5 per cent of the increase in atmospheric CO2 from 1870 to 2020.
The Facebook user has made several errors in his calculations. In particular, he has taken a figure for emissions from a single year to represent all human CO2 emissions since 1870. The claim that humans are responsible for about 3.5 per cent of the increase in atmospheric CO2 levels since 1870 is false.
False: UK’s Oxfordshire County Council approves climate lockdown for 2024
After Oxfordshire County Council in southeast England approved a £6.5 million ($7.93 million) trial to reduce traffic congestion, false posts wrongly suggested that councillors had approved a "climate lockdown" for 2024. The council's spokesperson said that residents would be free to move around the city and no lockdown had been ordered.
Falsk: Lokal DF-politiker undrer sig over, at indvandrere får højere ydelser end pensionister. Men det gør de slet ikke
“Migranter får mere end pensionister.” Sådan lyder overskriften i et læserbrev der blev bragt i Ekstra Bladets nationen! sine spalter den 7. september 2020. Afsenderen er Morten Dreyer, der er formand for Dansk Folkepartis lokalforening i Dragør. Læserbrevet har nu fået nyt liv på Facebook. (Source: tjekdet)
Ikke riktig: Nei, det er ikke farlig å spise svinekjøtt fra Danmark
Et mye delt Facebook-innlegg antyder at man ikke bør spise svinekjøtt fra Danmark på grunn av MRSA-bakterier. Eksperter på antibiotikaresistens sier det skal mye til for å bli smittet via kjøtt. (Source: Faktisk)
Feil: Ny studie fra MIT viser at CO2 allikevel ikke er noe problem. Planeten kan regulere sin egen temperatur.
Nei, studien viser ikke at CO2 ikke er noe problem. Studien beskriver en mekanisme som skjer over hundretusener av år. Denne prosessen er altfor langsom til å bidra til å redusere CO2-innholdet i atmosfæren eller løse nåtidens klimakrise. (Source: Faktisk)
Granskning: Svenskt barnafödande tas upp i vaccinedesinformasjon
“Hjärtskärande” och “a smoking gun” – så låter det i ett videoklipp om att barnafödandet sjunkit i Sverige. Videons upphovsman menar att det beror på biverkningar av vaccinerna mot covid-19 – men utelämnar forskarnas faktiska slutsatser.(Source: Källkritikbyrån)
#Chat GPT
Since we launched the editor last week, lots of peoeple have tried to fact-check the output from GPT Chat through our AI-editor. We are making several updates in the coming weeks. Feel free to try it out and don't hesitate in providing feedback!

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The spread of misinformation and disinformation has implications for democracies, businesses, and security. At Factiverse, we build products that create value and provide clarity in a world full of false information. We are happiest when our users get an overview and make informed decisions for a better future.