Your weekly fact-checks
5th of January - January 12, 2023

Can't Predict: Earthquakes can be predicted
No, that's not true: Scientists cannot predict when, where or at what magnitude an earthquake will occur. No reputable authority will issue such a warning because scientists cannot forecast the day and time an earthquake will occur, notes the California Earthquake Authority. (Source: Lead Stories)
False: A study has found 21st century warming may not be due to greenhouse gases (GHGs).
The claim that scientists have discovered 21st century warming may not be due to greenhouse gases is false. The study instead looked at the increase in the established warming trend since 2000. Authors of the study said their work found the trend acceleration was probably caused by a mixture of declining aerosol emissions and natural climate variability. The authors said the post amounted to “climate misinformation”.
(Source: AAP)
False: French writer Jacques Attali claimed the future would be about finding a way to reduce the population through a pandemic.
A Facebook post claims that the French writer Jacques Attali wrote in a 1981 book that: “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population”. The post includes a supposed excerpt from the book, but is not correct. Mr Attali has denied saying this. The quote does not appear in Mr Attali’s 1993 book "Verbatim 1: 1981-1986".
(Source: Fullfact)
#Climate change
False: The term 'global warming' was switched to 'climate change'because the Earth wasn’t getting any hotter
A Dec. 24 Instagram post features a screenshot of a tweet that claims the term "global warming" was switched to "climate change" because the Earth wasn't actually getting warmer. The term "global warming" first appeared in a 1975 paper titled "Climatic change: are we on the brink of a pronounced global warming?". (Source: USA Today)
False: No, Greta Thunberg Did Not Cancel A Global Warming Conference Due To Cold Weather
A photo shared on Instagram allegedly shows a news article reporting that climate activist Greta Thunberg canceled a global warming conference due to subarctic temperatures. (Source: Checkyourfact)
Det stemmer: Forskning viser at en hvit periode bidrar til redusert alkoholinntak over tid, også etter at den hvite perioden er over.
På kort sikt vil du kunne merke det på søvnkvaliteten, treningseffekten og vekta.
– Å ta en hvit måned er en god måte å reflektere over egne alkoholvaner, sier Ragnhild Kaski, generalsekretær i Av-og-til.
Ifølge Av-og-til resulterer det i at flere drikker litt mindre enn tidligere også på lengre sikt, og det gir enda bedre helseeffekt enn bare én hvit måned», skriver VG. (Source: Faktisk)
Både sandt og falsk: Er det sundt at drikke 1-2 øl om dagen? Og er anbefalingen om 10 genstande om ugen uden evidens?
Det er sundt at drikke én til to øl om dagen, og der er ingen evidens for Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalede grænse på maksimalt 10 genstande om ugen. Det mener tidligere sundhedsminister Nick Hækkerup, der i dag er direktør for danske bryggeriers brancheorganisation, Bryggeriforeningen.
(Source: Tjekdet)
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