Your weekly fact-checks

Recommended reading
Today is one year since the war in Ukraine started. Here is a couple of articles worth reading on the topic. - Slik har desinformasjonen om krigen endret seg
Special report on disinformation in Ukraine by NewsGuard
Youtube: Full-length Russian propaganda films justifying the war proliferate on YouTube, despite the platform’s ban on Russian state-funded media. Since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, RT’s documentary site,, has published 50 films that advance disinformation about the war — a rate of about one a week. These documentaries are available for free on RTD’s website — and, as NewsGuard discovered, on YouTube — in Russian and English, with some available in French and Spanish.
False: Biden said sending tanks to Ukraine would be the start of World War III
The Instagram post mischaracterizes Biden's March 2022 comment about sending U.S. troops, not U.S. tanks. An examination of the comments in context makes clear Biden is saying that he believes sending certain weapons "with American pilots and American crews" would lead to world war. At no point in this speech, or anywhere else, does Biden state that sending tanks alone to Ukraine would precipitate a world war. (Source: USA Today)
Mostly-True: "Energy costs are the highest in 15 years."
Expected energy costs for winter heating, based on federal data outlooks, reached its highest level in 10 to 15 years.The statistic comes from an analysis by a policy organization, the National Energy Assistance Directors Association, that says it represents state directors in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. (Source: PolitiFact)
Scotland's governmen...: Scotland's government under Nicola Sturgeon ran up one of the largest budget deficits in the developed world.
In a column about Scotland’s outgoing first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, the journalist Esther Krakue said that the country had one of the largest budget deficits in the developed world. (Source: FullFact)
#US midterm elections
False: George Soros endorsed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election.
Social media users are sharing a clip of Soros’ remarks, claiming they indicate the billionaire investor and liberal philanthropist is backing DeSantis. (Source: Associated Press - AP News)
#Climate change
Missing Context: Post implies falling sea level in Norway shows global sea levels aren't rising
While NOAA data does show the sea level in Oslo is falling relative to the land, this is only because the land is rising. "Sea level in Oslo is rising, but the uplift of land has been faster," Stendel said. (Source: USA Today)
False: Temperatures in Australia have cooled over the last 100 years.
A Facebook user has questioned the validity of climate science, claiming temperatures in Australia have been cooling over the past century. However, the claim is false, and the opposite is true. Since reliable temperature recording began in 1910, Australia’s climate has warmed by an average of 1.47 degrees Celsius, give or take 0.24C. (Source: Australian Associated Press - AAP)
#Natural disasters
False: “Seven ecological disasters in less than 2 weeks. … We are under attack.”
The US National Transportation Safety Board said there’s no evidence of foul play or sabotage in the Feb. 3 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. We found no evidence of sabotage in six other derailments this month or signs that they posed threats from hazardous materials. (Source: PolitiFact)
Påstanden Er Feil: Jon Almaas investering imponerer eksperter og skremmer vettet av store banker.
Nå er det TV-personlighet Jon Almaas som ifølge en falsk NRK-artikkel har gjort investeringer som «imponerer eksperter og skremmer vettet av store banker». Artikkelen som blir delt ser her ut til å være fra VG, og har tittelen «En tragisk slutt i dag for Jon Almaas». Lenken på Facebook er merket med VG, men klikker man på den, kommer man til en artikkel som ser ut til å komme fra NRK. I en melding til skriver Jon Almaas at han aldri har investert i bitcoin, og at dette er spam. (Source: Faktisk)
Ikke Dokumenteret: Husråd om at drikke vand mod hjerneblødning og hjertestop lige før sengetid er “useriøst”
Måske kender du det. Du vil ikke drikke vand, inden du går i seng, for at undgå, at nattesøvnen forstyrres af et besøg på toilettet. Men ifølge en lang række facebookopslag kan netop det at drikke et glas vand inden sengetid redde dit liv. (Source: Tjekdet)
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