Your weekly fact-checks
Missing Context: DuckDuckGo has a deal with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to track its search-engine users
Users are sharing
Your weekly fact-check
Mostly-True: Texas bill passed to give a Republican appointee the power to single-handedly cancel election results in the largest
Your weekly fact-checks
True: “Joe Biden was older on his first day as president than Ronald Reagan was on his last day.
Your weekly fact-checks
Mostly True: “Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans 18-45”
Medical experts said it is likely true.
Your weekly fact-checks
Mostly-True: “One in five Americans has lost a family member to gun violence.”
According to a survey of 1,
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False: Budweiser lost $800 million in one day following its collaboration with transgender social media influencer
An article about
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Our database of fact-checks has passed 200.000 entries! Visit for our latest update, making it easier to
Your weekly fact-checks
False: The gay dating app Grindr says will reveal every Republican who secretly uses the app if Florida doesn’
Your weekly fact-checks
This week fabricated images of Donald Trump's arrest were circulated, showing once again the rapid improvements to AI
Your weekly fact-checks
False: Domestic violence calls are the biggest cause of death for cops
FBI data does not show that more