Your weekly fact-checks

January 12th - January 19th, 2023
half-true: “When the Republicans were in power the last time for eight years, do you know how much discretionary spending increased in those eight years? Zero.”
The first six of the eight years had Democrats in charge of the presidency, the Senate, or both. So, the spending during those six years is not traceable solely to Republicans, but rather to bipartisan negotiations. (Source: politifact)
False: A volcano emits more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in a 24 hour period than all human activity over time.
Claims that an unidentified volcano in Greece emits more CO2 in one day than humans ever have has circulated on numerous social media platforms in recent days, including Facebook and Twitter. (Source: apnews)
False: Video showing the crash of the helicopter carrying Ukraine Interior minister in Kiev
ClaimVideo of chopper crash in Ukraine that killed 16 people including the Interior MinisterThe archive link of the tweet can be seen here.
Fact check/VerificationNewschecker began by analysing the video carefully and found the number three on the right top corner of the video, indicating that the footage was part of a compilation of videos.
Further, we conducted a keyword search on YouTube, with the keywords ‘top helicopter crashes’, and verified the first result that the search threw up, which was a video compilation, titled “Top 20 dangerous Helicopter Crashes in 10 minutes | top 20 Helicopter crash accident compilation”, posted by a YouTube channel Pilot Kuldeep Taak in 2020.
On analysing the compilation, we found that the viral video was indeed from the compilation, and featured third in the list. (Source: newschecker_in)
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#Climate Change
False: Solar cycles are driving climate change, not the greenhouse effect.
The claim solar cycles are driving climate change is false. Experts told AAP FactCheck that solar activity during a solar cycle can cause some climate impact, but doesn’t account for the rapid warming since the start of the industrial revolution. Solar cycles change the sun’s energy output by much less than one per cent and scientific data shows man-made emissions are overwhelmingly responsible for the rise in global temperatures. (Source: aap)
Nuanced: Research reported in the Daily Mail links migraines, strokes and dementia rates to climate change, but increases are actually explained by harm from Covid-19 vaccines.
An Instagram post of a Daily Mail article on research linking climate change to several diseases implies any increased rates are actually due to “the experimental shot”. The page name and other posts reference Covid-19, so we have inferred that they are referring to Covid vaccine (Source: fullfact)
Påstanden utelater viktig informasjon: Hvis privatpersoner som du og jeg tagger bryggeriet i et privat bilde på Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter eller her på Facebook, så anser de det som reklame. Så for et bilde jeg legger ut, så kan bryggeriet få bøter!
Salikatt var ikke alene om å få tilsendt et forhåndsvarsel. Han spurte seg selv om det allerede var 1. april.
Bryggeriene kan skru på en funksjon for selv å godkjenne at bildene de har blitt tagget i, skal gjengis på deres profil.
Men det er alkoholprodusentenes ansvar å sikre at dette ikke vises i deres kanaler på sosiale medier.
Av disse er 11 brudd på Instagram, 16 på Facebook og 8 på nettsiden (Source: faktisk)
Det stemmer ikke: Statens vegvesen kontrollerer rundt 3 prosent av alle bilene som kommer inn i landet. Det betyr at 97 prosent sklir forbi.
– I løpet av et tilfeldig døgn, kan det stemme at tre prosent av tungtransporten på Svinesund blir stoppet.
Men det er ikke tre prosent når man ser på totalen, sier han.
Arnfinn Eriksen, sjefsingeniør i Statens vegvesen, sier det er feil at Statens vegvesen kun kontrollerer tre prosent av tungtransporten som kommer inn i landet.
– Det innebærer at foretak som har kjøretøy som det er funnet flere mangler på tidligere, blir valgt ut for ny kontroll, sier han.
– Det jeg derimot kan si, er at vi dekker opp døgnet så mye som mulig med det mannskapet vi har. (Source: faktisk)
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