Weekly Fact-checks
14th October 2022 - 20th October 2022

False: Ukraine Missile Attack Destroys Russian Tanks On Crimea Bridge
No, that's not true: The video with this claim says the damage was caused by a truck that exploded on the bridge on October 8, 2022, and makes no mention of tanks. (Source: Lead Stories)
Missing Context: BBC reporter exaggerated circumstances during Irpin
This is misleading; the reporter has refuted the claim, and the posts ignore the shelling that took place in the area where the footage was filmed. (Source: AFP)
Pants-fire: The government is giving every household a $500 Walmart shopping credit to help with inflation
No, the government didn’t give a $500 Walmart credit to every household. There is no information from Walmart promoting this offer, which appears to be a scam. (Source: Politifact)
False: ASEAN countries will stop using the US dollar from November 1, 2022
Posts share false claim that 'five Southeast Asian countries will stop using the US dollar' (Source: AFP)
Half-true: “Over the past 5 years, natural gas costs have gone up over 200%” in the United States.
Natural gas prices have spiked, but the main metrics do not show a 200% increase. Wholesale costs rose by 108% between 2017 and 2022, while residential customer costs over the same period have risen by 53%. (Source: Politifact)
#US midterm elections
Mixed: Can non-citizens vote in US elections?
US Federal law bans non-citizens from voting in federal elections, including races for president, vice president, Senate or House of Representatives. However, the federal law doesn’t stop states or municipalities from granting non-citizens the right to vote in local races (Source: AP News)
Misleading: Colorado rigged its 2022 midterm elections by sending non-citizens a mailer
This is misleading; while the office did send mailers to those individuals encouraging them to register, the mailer was meant for potentially eligible voters but went to the non-citizens because of a database name matching error. The mistake was quickly identified, and non-citizens remain ineligible to vote. (Source: AFP)
#Climate change
False: Study shows that 'CO2 emissions play no role' in Antarctic Larsen ice shelf melt
Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that a recent study shows that "CO2 emissions play no role" in the Antarctic Larsen C ice shelf melt. The study lists causal factors for Larsen C ice shelf melt, the effects of which are influenced by human CO2 emissions and resulting global climate change, according to the study author. (Source: USAToday)
False: Hurricanes are being controlled and weaponized
A TikTok video viewed more than 12,000 times claims hurricanes can be controlled and used as weapons. This is false; the clip cites two abandoned patent applications for proposed methods to avert disasters, and experts say no such technology exists. (Source: AFP)
Påstanden er feil.: Dere lar være å prisjustere [Varig tilrettelagt arbeid], og dermed så er det 120 færre plasser.
Påstanden er feil. Regjeringen har prisjustert ordningen. Det er heller ikke bevilget et lavere antall plasser enn det som tidligere har vært bevilget. (Source: Faktisk)
Påstanden er feil.: Av alle registrerte husbranner de siste fem årene har 35 prosent av disse startet i vaskemaskin eller tørketrommel.
Påstanden er feil. Tall fra DSBs brannstatistikk viser at under to prosent av de registrerte brannene siden 2016 startet i vaskemaskin eller tørketrommel. (Source: Faktisk)
Falsk: Lars Løkkes importerede avocado er ikke værre for klimaet end hvilket som helst produkt fra dansk landbrug
Det er ikke korrekt. En avocado tegner sig for et lavere CO2-aftryk end stort set alle danske mejeri- og især kødprodukter (Source: Tjekdet)
Falsk: Hvorfor er det så svært at afgøre, om dansk landbrug er verdens mest klimavenlige?
Det er faktisk ikke så let at afgøre. Der er nemlig flere måder at opgøre og sammenligne landbrugets klimaaftryk på, og i alle tilfælde er der en vis usikkerhed forbundet med metoderne. (Source: Tjekdet)
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