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Your weekly fact-checks

Big milestone! The Associated Press interviewed Factiverse

David Klepper interviewed Factiverse last week. Read our new blog post


False: Video shows “heavy snow and ice has frozen jets in Munich bound for Dubai's global warming conference.”
That plane was not bound for Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the site of the United Nations Conference of the Parties, aka COP28, a global climate change summit.

Agence France-Presse
False: The EU wants to SEIZE your old car to meet climate goals
The European Commission is revising its environmental regulations to improve the tracking, treatment and recycling of cars. The proposal principally focuses on manufacturers and the recycling industry, solely obligating car owners to use authorized facilities when their automobile reaches the end of its life.


Full Fact
Missing Context: The sweetener Acesulfame K contains the carcinogen methylene chloride.
Methylene chloride is a potential impurity in Acesulfame K—not an ingredient of it. In tests by the FDA, no methylene chloride was found in samples of Acesulfame K.

True: Some snow globes contain the antifreeze ingredient ethylene glycol, which is dangerous to pets.
It's true that the antifreeze chemical ethylene glycol can be deadly to dogs, cats and other pets, as well as children. The chemical is an ingredient in some, but not all, snow globes.

True: If you have a pacemaker, you can donate it to a dog after you die.
The similarities between how animals and humans are treated for certain diseases are very strong. Pacemakers for human beings can be utilized in dogs, as well.


Falsk: Der skal fyres 229 på to hospitaler i Nordjylland
Der skal ikke samlet fyres 229 - eller retteligt 230 - på Aalborg Universitetshospital og Regionshospitalet i Hjørring, som er de to berørte hospitaler. I stedet skal der nedlægges 230 stillinger, og det vides endnu ikke, hvor mange der ender med at få stukket en fyreseddel i hånden.

Misvisende: I landbrugskredse peges der ofte på urenset spildevand som kilde til dårligt vandmiljø
Knap halvdelen af danskerne mener, at spildevand er årsagen til iltsvind. Men forskere afviser, at urenset spildevand i det store hele har nævneværdig betydning for iltsvindet i vores vandmiljø.


Mixture: Ukraine’s constitution states that it is the duty of the state to “preserve the gene pool of the Ukrainian people.”
The above quote is taken out of context. This section of the Constitution affirms the protection of people who faced adverse health and ecological impacts of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and is not indicative of "fascist" intent, as some have argued.

#WTF?! What The Fact of the week

False: Elon Musk announced he’s giving away free gold bars.
A Facebook post took a video of Elon Musk talking out of context and edited the audio. Musk isn’t giving away free gold bars.

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