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Your weekly fact-checks

Factiverse is now live in the GPT Store!

OpenAI have launched their GPT Store in ChatGPT this week which makes it even easier to find and use Factiverse. Simply search for "Factiverse" or visit https://gpt.factiverse.ai/.

#Climate Change

Missing Context: Offshore wind farms will kill whales
"Offshore wind farms will have environmental impacts," AMSA has conceded, citing a variety of potential risks to whales including "barrier effects" from objects physically blocking the animals. "However, these impacts must be considered in the context of the substantial and often greater impacts of traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels," it said.

False: A law will give the UK government the power to fine or even jail people if their homes don’t meet energy efficiency standards.
The Energy Act 2023 provides no such powers. Separate legislation would be required for any new criminal offences and penalties.


Ikke Dokumenteret: 41 elbiler løb tør for batteri og måtte afhentes af ladbiler efter den massive kødannelse på E45 i snestormen i sidste uge
Hverken politi eller vejhjælpsfirmaer har over for TjekDet kunnet bekræfte tallet, og det har ikke været muligt at komme i kontakt med personen bag opslaget og spørge ind til dokumentationen.

Falsk: I kølvandet på jordskælvet i Japan efter nytår er der på sociale medier delt optagelser af tsunamier som skyller biler, skibe og huse væk på sin vej
Optagelserne bliver delt, som om de stammer fra det seneste jordskælv. I virkeligheden er der tale om optagelser fra 2011, hvor et større jordskælv efterfulgt af en tsunami ramte Japan.


True: Barack Obama deported more people than Donald Trump did
The federal government says a deportation is the removal of a noncitizen from the U.S. for violating immigration law. Federal data — tracking removals, returns and expulsions — shows Barack Obama deported more people in each of his terms than Trump did.

False: The 1939 flag of Palestine featured the Star of David.
The flag of Palestine in 1939 was the Union Jack. The flag featuring the Star of David was unofficial and was used on some Jewish-owned ships during the mandatory period.

#WTF?! What The Fact of the week

Unfounded: If you find a lost child in Denmark you can claim it as your own if a parent doesn't show up within two hours.
In Denmark, the 2-hour rule refers to the legal requirement for institutions like schools and daycares to notify the police if a child is missing for more than 2 hours without a valid reason. Furthermore, this rule ensures a swift response to cases involving lost or missing children to ensure their safety.

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