Your weekly Fact-checks
25th of November - December 2nd, 2022

False: Posts claim Saudi Arabia footballer died in hospital after severe head injury at World Cup
Facebook users in Bangladesh have repeatedly shared posts that falsely claim a Saudi Arabian football player died in hospital after a severe head injury sustained during a match against Argentina at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
While the player, Yasser Al-Shahrani, had to undergo surgery after the match, the operations were successful and he was discharged from hospital.
(Source: AFP Fact Check)
False: No, German plane not barred from Qatar for sporting rainbow flag in support of LGBTQI rights
Was Germany’s national football team barred from entering Qatar for the Fifa World Cup, because the plane they were travelling on was emblazoned with the rainbow flag, in support of gay rights? No, this isn’t the full story.
(Source: Africacheck)
False / Manipulated video: Drunken Ukrainians’ arrested for defacing Qatar World Cup mascot with ‘Nazi symbols’?
Al Jazeera has dismissed the video as fake. It’s a mashup of unrelated images making an unsupported claim, and appears to have been produced simply to support Russia’s accusation that Ukrainians are Nazis. (Source: Africacheck)
True: “Gas prices are down back to where they were before Russia invaded Ukraine.”
According to the most recent weekly data, the cost of a gallon of gasoline is $3.53. That’s exactly the same as it was just days before Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022. (Source: Politifact)
False: U.S. dollars from before 2021 won’t be valid after January 2023
Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim U.S. dollars from before 2021 won't be valid after January 2023. A spokesperson for the Treasury Department said there will be no change to the validity of American currency. (Source: AfricaCheck)
False: There was a 1500 per cent increase in 2021 on the previous record year for miscarriages/stillbirths in the US.
The claim that there was a 1500 per cent increase in 2021 on the previous record year for miscarriages/stillbirths in the US is false. The graph used as evidence instead shows self-reported incidents that occurred following vaccination. Studies have found no link between the vaccine and an increased risk of stillbirths and or miscarriages. (Source: aap)
#Climate change
False: The rise in global temperatures has in part been influenced by the loss of tree coverage.
The claim that the rise in global temperatures has in part been influenced by the loss of tree coverage is false. Experts and the BOM confirmed global temperatures are recorded at weather stations adhering to strict guidelines with regards location and proximity to trees and buildings. The same global warming trend has also been recorded by satellite data and sea surface temperature. (Source: aap)
Feil: Nei, barnedødeligheten er ikke åttedoblet etter at vaksinene ble rullet ut.
Etter mai 2021 er det målt en økning på 5,8 prosent i antall dødsfall sammenlignet med lockdown-perioden. Det dør fortsatt færre barn i Europa enn det gjorde før pandemien. (Source: Faktisk)
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